About me
Hi gang.
I’m Ellie, welcome to my blog.
I’ve been diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E) also know as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) since 2013/14. However I had symptoms that would have indicated this illness back in 2009. Look out for a post around my personal journey to diagnosis and the struggles I’ve had to get health professionals, family and friends to listen and understand. Even though it has taken a lot to get to the place I am now, I am definitely not in any control of my illness - I’m not convinced anyone ever will be until funding for adequate research is made available.
So this blog started in my head many years ago. Why only in my head? Well truthfully, I’ve never considered my words to be of particular interest or importance. Even if I did write them down would anyone read it, would they care? Why would anyone want to read the ramblings and ventings on my little life?
Turns out that it doesn’t matter. This is my space to discuss, explain and connect with you. Friends or strangers. Fellow chronic illness sufferers or folk who have never even heard of M.E. This is my space to discus how I live and handle and survive with a life long, life restricting, misunderstood, mistreated and “invisible”illness. If just one person finds this useful, helpful or even (gasp) entertaining then i’ll try my hardest to continue posting - even if that person is me...
If you’ve made it this far then thank you 😂. I appreciate you. Please feel free to comment and message me and let me know you’re there ❤️
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